Monday, March 28, 2011

My Obsession with dress forms.......

flowers and BIRDS!!!!...LOL...alway makes me happy.....I have many....and my dear friend Belinda sent me this fabulous flower and I attached it to one of my dress forms for a vintage look....thanks so much Missy "B" for sending me so many goodies....I LOVED it all and felt such warmth...:o)


Anonymous said...

Hey Jannie,
Bout time you did somethng good for our eyes. How was your trip to Boise? Know it was fast and furious. So bummed I didn'tget to see you before you left IF. Call me soon.

Anonymous said...

hi Jann,
Great to see you yesterday. Thanks for taking time to see me.
And thanks for your blog address.
Hope to take a class from you before you move.
Take care,